For The Gypsy Wild Child In You 

We've been travelling the world for the past 10 years visiting hundreds of weird and wonderful markets throughout Asia. Our new Wanderlust Collection has been handpicked from some of the most endearing shops and authentic jewellery designers in Thailand, Nepal and Afghanistan. We specialise mainly in Jewellery but also have a collection of Leather Jackets and Bags.

Our name comes from the word 'Shakalaka' which means 'To Dance All Night To The Sound Of A Drum', reminding us of long nights igniting our souls and dancing on the beach in the moonlight.

While travelling through Nepal I was very lucky to meet a fantastic and inspiring woman named Nasreen who runs 'Local Womens Handicrafts' in Kathmandu. Nasreen has helped numerous Nepalese women from terrible backgrounds to have hope and gain skills to be independent and make a living. They work together to build a safe refuge for women where they can learn to make scarfs, bags, clothes and other beautiful crafts that can empower women who have been abused, have a physical disability or are fleeing poverty. "The mission of Local Women’s Handicraft (LWH) is to bring hope to human beings. It is a way for us to express our individuality and share our creativity with the world. LWH strongly supports freedom, self-reliance, and liberation from limiting thoughts. We provide an environment to grow, nurture and refine our natural skills and abilities, believing that we are all capable human beings no matter our colour, sex or economic status." 5% of your purchase will go towards helping these women to build a new life, and helping the LWH to expand and grow. Please visit the website to hear their inspiring stories.

Local Womens Handicrafts

"No Soul Stands Alone"...